Leading Artist: Benedict Yu
Mural Team: BODHI, Isabel Lim, Jessica Goh, Joanna Lim, Sarah Noorhimli, Thng Ai Wei

Titled "Motherboard" is Singapore's Largest Indoor Shopping Mall Mural at GR.iD Mall (formerly known as POMO mall).

About the Artwork:
A heart is seen as the core of our lives, just like this motherboard that you see here. It is the source of vibrant and powerful energy for GR.ID.
“Motherboard” represents the innovative and creative dynamics that coexist together here. It carries an endless amount of data, holds and allows communication between many components. This reflects GR.ID as a place where anyone and everyone who wants a haven to connect and freely create meaningful conversations.
The intersection of the various floors around “Motherboard” can be seen as a collective of voices colliding into a spectrum of gradients where different perspectives and languages are exchanged. A motherboard is also a complex circuit that is full of data and information, allowing for interaction between multiple parts which resonates with the Singaporean narrative made up of different viewpoints, perspectives, voices, and languages.
Like a motherboard, GR.iD aims to be the centre of inspiration to foster an innovative spirit in many of us.

The mural was created to spark conversations between Singaporeans and reflect the vibrant and creative energy from individual Singaporeans which form a collective community of artists and visionaries.
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